Heather Burness
Heather Burness is currently a regionally based artist with an independent practice focused in printmedia and drawing. She is compelled to make work through the experience of ‘place’.
She engages with specific sites and phenomena through in-field installations of printing plates that are later the matrices of works on paper. Heather has exhibited nationally and in group exhibitions internationally. She has works in the collections of Australian regional galleries, the State Library of New South Wales, the National Library of Australia and the National Gallery of Australia. She was a sessional lecturer in the ANU School of Art Printmedia and Drawing Workshop from 1996 to 2009 and in 2011/12. Heather was awarded The Capital Arts Patrons’ Organisation (CAPO) Fellowship in 2011. She also editions prints for selected artists under the name Grey Lady Press.
Heather Burness’ contribution to this project was assisted by a grant from Create NSW, an agency of the New South Wales Government. The NSW Artists’ Grant is administered by the National Association of the Visual Arts.